Burj Dubai es un rascacielos en construcción en Dubai. Es la estructura más alta en el mundo creada por el hombre.
La altura final que alcanzará es oficialmente un secreto, debido a la competencia de otros edifición en construcción o propuestos. Sin embargo, las imágenes provista por el constructor sugieren que la altura final será de alrededor de 818 metros.
Costo: US$4.100 millones

The Burj Dubai is a skycraper under construction in Dubay city. It's the tallest man-made structure on Earth.
The projected final height of Burj Dubai is officially being kept a secret due to competition from other buildings under construction or proposed; however, figures released by a contractor on the project have suggested a height of around 818 m (2,684 ft)
The projected final height of Burj Dubai is officially being kept a secret due to competition from other buildings under construction or proposed; however, figures released by a contractor on the project have suggested a height of around 818 m (2,684 ft)
Cost: US$4.1 billions
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